Kõnni sajandeid vanadel kummitavatel vanalinna tänavatel! Kui päike loojub ja hämarik saabub, alustab giid 700-aasta vanuste hirmsate kummituslugude, haldjalegendide ja müütide pajatamist.
Tallinnal kui vanal linnal on mitmeid ja mitmeid paeluvaid kummituslugusid rääkida ning suure tõenäosusega pole Sa neid varem kuulnud. Kui väike hirmutunne kõditab Su meeli, siis ära puudu sellelt unustamatult tuurilt!
põhineb 1405 hinnangul
We did the Narva day tour. Such a fantastic tour, we got to the Estonian and Russian border, with multiple fascinating stops along the way. Uku was such a knowledgeable tour guide, very friendly and... Vaata veel
Mariel was friendly and informative. She led us through the old town to the markets and beyond. She fully explained each of the foods we tried. And there was plenty (we actually shared our tastes and... Vaata veel
We had a great day away from town with Jan, we saw many interesting things both about nature and about Estonian culture and Jan was helpful and attentive all day long. The lunch stop was also very... Vaata veel