Patkuli vaateplatvorm on osake Tallinna iidseimast piirkonnast. Vaateplatvormile viib Snelli tiigi juurest Toompargi servast 157-astmeline Patkuli trepp, mis ehitati 1903. aastal ühendamaks Toompead all-linnaga.
Patkuli vaateplatvormilt avaneb muinasjutuline vaade linnamüürile ja sellel troonivale Stenbocki majale, Tallinna tornidele ning sadamale.
põhineb 371 hinnangul
Great views here and a lovely walk to get to the area. There is a souvenir shop nearby as well as wee stalls on the way selling drinks to snacks.
Definitely my viewin platform in Tallinn. You can see an amazing view over the old town. It’s a great place to visit in the day and night.
This is a must do. So that you can truly appreciate how well preserved Tallin old town is. In my opinion, this offers a better view than Kohtuotsa viewing platform. (which is only a street away to... Vaata veel