Kohtuotsa vaateplatvorm asub Toompea kõrgendiku põhjapoolsel küljel.
Siit avaneb suurepärane vaade nii vanalinna punastele katustele ja uhketele kirikutele kui ka kesklinna moodsatele kõrghoonetele.Taamal paistab Soome laht, sadam ja Pirita. Elamusi pakkuv vaatepilt on garanteeritud igal aastaajal ja iga ilmaga.
põhineb 438 hinnangul
Text: A great plece where to take a look over the Tallinn oldtown. A must go place for everyone who visits Tallinn. It’s beautiful always!
Toompea is a nice area to walk around and this viewing platform gives you very nice view of the medieval city with all its red rooftop and towers up here. The walk up from Old Town is short and easy.
Stopped here as part of the a walking tour of old town, the spot offers nice views of old town, specifically the lower old town. Nice photo opportunities.