Kirikule annavad ajaloolist väärtust sissekäikude kohal olevad mosaiikpannood. Kiriku tornides asub 11 kellast koosnev kirikukellade ansambel, mille seas on ka Tallinna suurim, 15 tonni kaaluv kell.
põhineb 3614 hinnangul
Beautifully located, really decorative with native spirit of faith. Worth of spending some time inside. Add the visit in this church to your plan.
Beautiful church and outstanding architecture. Entry is free but donation is recommended. They do not allow photography so you don’t need to worry about influencers trying to take selfies in such a... Vaata veel
This is easily one of the highlights of Tallinn, you need to climb the hill to get up to it but it is worth it. It is wonderful to view on the inside and the outside.