Kirikule annavad ajaloolist väärtust sissekäikude kohal olevad mosaiikpannood. Kiriku tornides asub 11 kellast koosnev kirikukellade ansambel, mille seas on ka Tallinna suurim, 15 tonni kaaluv kell.
põhineb 3600 hinnangul
Gorgeous Russian Orthodox cathedral in the heart of Tallinn. Even though most locals reportedly don't practice Catholicism, this structure has been exceptionally maintained and deserves a visit!
I went there both in the evening and the early morning to photograph the imposing building. The latter proved the best for this purpose. In addition, we were on a walking tour in the late morning... Vaata veel
Typical Russian church from outside and inside. Reminds me of one in Helsinki. Amazing architecture and inside littered with gold. As normal a beautifully decorated dome