Tammsaare park asub Tallinna kesklinnas Estonia teatri ja Viru keskuse vahelisel alal. 1896 rajati pargi edelaosasse Uus turg, mis koliti ümber Raekoja platsilt. 1903-1905 asus praeguse pargi keskel hiiglaslik puust „Interimstheater“ – küünitaoline hall, kus toimusid teatrietendused ja näidati kino. Hoone mahapõlemisel planeeriti ala jalgteedega haljasalaks.
1978 püstitati siia armastatud kirjaniku A. H. Tammsaare 100. sünniaastapäeva tähistamiseks mälestussammas.
Tammsaare pargil on modernne valgustus, valge pargimööbel, murukatte all on oma aega ootamas tuhandeid lillesibulad.
põhineb 37 hinnangul
This is a lovely park, located next to the entrance to the old town. It features a nice memorial for Anton Hansen Tammsaare, the famous writer.
This park is pretty and well-located (within easy walking distance to Old Town, and to where we were staying), but there was more pavement than we liked, as opposed to grass that we were wanting... Vaata veel
This park is centrally located between the Estonia Theatre and Viru shopping center with the legendary skyscraper hotel Viru from 1972. We have walked through this park at least hundreds of times... Vaata veel