Foto: Kaupo Kalda

Meelelahutus- ja ostukeskus Solaris

Solaris Keskus paikneb ajaloolises hoones, mis valmis Raine Karpi projekti järgi aastal 1985. 2018 sai keskus kaasaegse sisekujunduse, mille autoriks on Jan Skolimowski arhitektuuribüroost KAMP.
Solaris Keskuses asuvad Alexela kontserdimaja, Apollo Kino ja väärtfilmikeskus Artis. Disainiklastrisse kuuluvad mitmed Eesti kui ka Baltimaade disainipoed.
Keskusest leiab söögikohti, toidupoode ning mitu väliterrassi ning hulgaliselt kauplusi.

TripAdvisori® hinnangud ja arvustused

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põhineb 109 hinnangul

  • Excellent supermarket for good & affordable prepared food

    tripadvisor rating 4 of 5
    august 31, 2024 Autor: siyu-de

    The well laid supermarket offers a wide variety of prepared food items. A large part of those freshly made in place. Quality much better than most of the tourist joints in the adjacent old town... Vaata veel

  • Pay Toilet

    tripadvisor rating 3 of 5
    aprill 20, 2024 Autor: Vicki T

    I found the Polish brand, Many Mornings, so I was happy. However, one has to pay 50 cents to use the restroom! This is ridiculous! What if you do not have small change?

  • Most lousy shopping center

    tripadvisor rating 1 of 5
    november 19, 2023 Autor: Viivi H

    Very disappointing shopping center. There is very little shops with no brands and all in all a tiny place. We were there 38min with no place to go. We had coffee and left, and for parking 38min we... Vaata veel