Grillimine on meie kirg!
Lõunamaise hõnguga Argentiina restoran on lihasõprade meeli rõõmustanud juba üle 25 aasta. Pole kahtlust – Argentiina restoran on grilliparadiis.
Meie grillmeistrid on tuntud kui suurepärased lihaekspertid, kes valdavad kõiki saladusi, kuidas steik eriti mahlaseks ja maitsvaks grillida. Missiooniks on kõigi lihasõprade maitsemeelte piiride avardamine. Suussulavad steigid valmivad elava tulega grillil otse klintide silmade all. Põnevaid valikuid jagub nii liha- kui ka kalasõpradele. Ning ka veinimaailm meie juures on suurepärane.
Ootame Teid Argentiina restoranis!
põhineb 928 hinnangul
Best meat in town. We were family of four celebrating wives 40th birthday. We all enjoyed our food. Restaurant had crayons and coloring papers for kids. Atmosphere was great!
I ve been visited restoran for my friend birthday . I liked design and atmosphere inside but i realy dessapointed with weitress Viktoria she was very negative with the client and she wasnt friendly... Vaata veel
The food and the atmosphere were amazing! We had the best waiter possible, Ago, who was relaxed and genuine, and knew all about the wines. Recommended for the vegetarians too, loved the portobello... Vaata veel