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Foto: Elevant
Foto: Elevant

    Restoran Elevant

    Kõige kordumatum elamus on toit! Menüü mida pakume ühendab elemente India kaugest ajaloost ja tänase Calcutta kärarikastelt tänavatelt, viietärnilistest restoraniköökidest ja Põhja-India koduselt toidulaualt, teistest rahvusköökidest ja ajurveda meditsiinist. Siin leiate suure valiku traditsioonilisi taimetoite ja samapalju ebatraditsioonilisi lihatoite - kõike seda, mida ei leia kusagil mujal Tallinnas.

    TripAdvisori® hinnangud ja arvustused

    TripAdvisor logo tripadvisor rating 4.0 of 5

    põhineb 475 hinnangul

    • Excellent Indian food and service.

      tripadvisor rating 5 of 5
      juuni 14, 2024 Autor: Triathlete63

      A great choice for Indian food in Tallinn old town. Not real easy to find since it is on the second level of an old historic building but well worth the climb. The lamb and chicken curries were... Vaata veel

    • Excellent

      tripadvisor rating 5 of 5
      jaanuar 3, 2024 Autor: Relax51282518538

      We visited at lunch time for our two day trip to Tallinn. The food was excellent, would recommend for anyone looking for good Indian food.

    • Best and authentic Indian food

      tripadvisor rating 5 of 5
      detsember 28, 2023 Autor: RomkeW69

      best indian food we tasted in estonia and also europe… I was travelling with my indian friend and she can absolutely vouch for its taste and quality… It has to be 4.9 stars atleast.