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Foto: Kalevi Jahtklubi
Foto: Kalevi Jahtklubi

    Kalevi Jahtklubi Resto

    Kalevi Jahtklubi restos saad nautida erilist miljööd ning teenindust, lõbusas võtmes teeninduskultuur hoovab vastu juba ukselt. Jahedamatel õhtutel saad mõtteid mõlgutada kamina valgel, suvisel ajal aga mõnule suurel väliterrassil ja puhka silma jõekääru vaatel. Menüüs on esikohal loomulikult erinevad mereannid. Ole hoiatatud, sest võid sattuda sõltuvusse meeleolukast teenindusest ja köögi hõrkudest maitsetest.

    TripAdvisori® hinnangud ja arvustused

    TripAdvisor logo tripadvisor rating 4.0 of 5

    põhineb 157 hinnangul

    • A super nice place with a great view and geat service!

      tripadvisor rating 5 of 5
      juuli 25, 2024 Autor: KerstinKotkas

      A super nice place with a great view and geat service. I love to hang out there in the summers at the outdoor terrace and the food is always very good. In the wintertime it is also cozy inside. Good... Vaata veel

    • Diricillous small portions and unfriendly service

      tripadvisor rating 1 of 5
      mai 5, 2024 Autor: KariG434

      I ordered grilled pike and potatoe pyree. The size of the dish was smaller than sc. children size. I reclamated this to personal but they started to lie that it is their normal size. I have visited... Vaata veel

    • You will miss the advertised view as you are in the midst of a building site

      tripadvisor rating 2 of 5
      juuli 31, 2023 Autor: rfp1943

      Currently, in the midst of building sides, it’s not the place that is described in the ads - the food lacked any spacing whatsoever. This is true both for the salad as well as the burger. The kitchen... Vaata veel