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Foto: Restaurant Chakra
Foto: Restaurant Chakra

    Restoran Chakra

    Meie toiduvalmistamise südameks Chakras on saviahi. Pakume luksuslikku India kööki, kasutades ainult parimaid koostisaineid. Asume täiuslikult taastatud ajaloolises kaubandushoones, mis on dekoreeritud kaunite ikoonide ja antiikesemetega. Chakra pakub mitmekülgset, isuäratavat ja autentset India menüüd nii seiklushimulistele, kui ka traditsioonilistele restoranikülastajatele.

    TripAdvisori® hinnangud ja arvustused

    TripAdvisor logo tripadvisor rating 4.5 of 5

    põhineb 1440 hinnangul

    • Not satisfied with amount and taking water price

      tripadvisor rating 1 of 5
      juuli 25, 2024 Autor: shuvo d

      Very bad service and not worthy. Even they take money for tap water , not provide bottle water. I ordered food around 60 euro , it is so praising they take money for water and provide open tap... Vaata veel

    • Easy Dinner in Old Town

      tripadvisor rating 5 of 5
      juuli 23, 2024 Autor: sethdgpt

      Was out walking and decided to find dinner. I was lucky that this restaurant was only a few buildings away from where I was standing. I ordered the 62 entree and 32 naan. The cheese and garlic naan... Vaata veel

    • Perfect Romantic Indian Experience

      tripadvisor rating 5 of 5
      juuli 22, 2024 Autor: Cleymore

      The possibilities to choose frome the menu are huge! The spice and the flavour is on the point! Also the service is excellent.