Kõik söögikohad
Foto: Narva café
Foto: Narva kohvik

    Kohvik Narva

    Kohvik Narva on tegutsenud üle 70 aasta. Oleme säilitanud oma algusaegade interjööri ning võitnud aastatega klientide südamed. Narva kohvik on legendaarne ja suurepärane peatumispaik kogemaks suurepäraseid meelelisi naudinguid, millesse kuuluvad maitsvad ja äsja ahjus küpsetatud saiad, pirukad ja kringlid. Meil on mitmekesine ja hinnasõbrarlik söögivalik ning rohkesti maitsvaid jooke just sulle.

    TripAdvisori® hinnangud ja arvustused

    TripAdvisor logo tripadvisor rating 4.0 of 5

    põhineb 80 hinnangul

    • Excellent

      tripadvisor rating 5 of 5
      mai 6, 2024 Autor: 54brittav

      Excellent food, this is my favourite cafe. I love their dumplings they are so tasty and their Kringels are to die for!!💙

    • Would be five stars if the staff were remotely interested in people

      tripadvisor rating 4 of 5
      august 3, 2023 Autor: Oshamambe

      We stopped in here for pastries and coffee. The place is very local and furnishings are beyond retro. Pastries were incredible and still warm! I could have eaten a dozen. Coffee was from a machine... Vaata veel

    • Terrible service, good pasteries.

      tripadvisor rating 2 of 5
      aprill 16, 2023 Autor: Freedom52341080912

      Good price, nice food. Terrible service. I was waiting for 7 minutes, before cafe worked cleaned up the table. I was standing in a queue and the worker behind the desk was starring at me into my... Vaata veel