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Foto: Terje Ugandi
Foto: Terje Ugandi

    Lee Restoran

    Lee on esiisade tulekolle, mille ümber kees elu ja kus valmis maitsev kõhutäis, mida jagas lõkkeäärne kogukond. Tallinna vanalinnas asuva Lee Restorani menüüst leiate armastuse kodumaise tooraine vastu, mis on kombineeritud rahvusvaheliste oskuste ja mängulise uudishimuga. Meie toidulaua kese on alati kohalik, pärinedes väiketootjatelt ja sõpradelt Eesti taludes ja metsades. Menüüs on valikuid ka veganitele ja lastele. Joogikaardist leiate laia ja rahvusvahelise veinivaliku. Kutsume teid külla jagama roogasid ja lugusid ning seeläbi taaslooma iidselt Lee elurõõmu! Tutvu MICHELINI inspektorite hinnanguga.

    TripAdvisori® hinnangud ja arvustused

    TripAdvisor logo tripadvisor rating 4.5 of 5

    põhineb 1595 hinnangul

    • Nice food, poor service for us

      tripadvisor rating 3 of 5
      juuni 11, 2024 Autor: DrMatthewsUK

      We were recommend this restaurant by a friend. The good was good but the service was very poor. When we arrived we were seated and given menus, but then had to sit for ten minutes to order our... Vaata veel

    • Shy of greatness

      tripadvisor rating 4 of 5
      detsember 10, 2023 Autor: 200jussip

      Fine dining place with very nice looking terrace (if it would have been summer) and also very nice interior with some of the best looking lighting I have seen. Service was great and they did not miss... Vaata veel

    • A lovely take on a local classic

      tripadvisor rating 5 of 5
      oktoober 20, 2023 Autor: pyry_urhonen

      I was a bit sad when Leib closed a few years ago, but now that I finally visited Lee that took over after them, I cherish the old but embrace the new. Lee is cooks classicly beautiful food with... Vaata veel