Vegan Restoran V on Eesti esimene täistaimne restoran. Meie restoran on küll väike, kuid hubane.
Meie restoranis pakutakse ainult vegan ehk 100% taimetoitu. See tähendab, et toitudes ei leidu lisaks lihale ka loomseid piimatooteid ega muna. Kuid sellest hoolimata on toit maitsev ja külluslik!
Me ei keskendu ühelegi konkreetsele köögile vaid meie à la carte menüü on rahvusvaheline ja inspireeritud maailma eri paikadest. Sest just maailma eri paikadest tuleb palju imelisi maitseid, mis kõik taimetoidu maailma kaunistavad!
põhineb 1868 hinnangul
Wonderful vegan experience and my husband usually prefers food with meat. He even said how tasty it all was so that’s saying a lot. Good atmosphere, nice mean and pleasant staff. I would recommend.
Amazing food,we ate one of the best vegetarian meals ever. Restaurant was very cosy and atmospheric and staff was nice and let the people eat in privacy without asking something all the time
Excellent food. I would say familiar taste to someone that is not vegan per se but like veggies. Moreover there were good portion , and the atmosphere was cozy and engaging. People are also polite.