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Foto: Pööbel

Baar-Pubi Pööbel

Toompea jalamil asuv mõnus koosolemise koht on parasjagu lihtne ja ka parasjagu noobel. Rääkige jutud lõpuni, naerge kõva häälega ja vaadake üksteisele silma - Pööbel aga pakub igale külalisele parimat joogi- ja söögipoolist ning paneb vuntsidesse muhelema ka need, kellel vuntse ei ole. Pööbli avarad ruumid on maitsekalt maalähedased, kodust tunnet loovad puuriidad ja raamaturiiulid, õhtuhämaruses muutub Pööbel trendikaks koosolemise kohaks.

TripAdvisori® hinnangud ja arvustused

TripAdvisor logo tripadvisor rating 4.0 of 5

põhineb 419 hinnangul

  • Bad experience

    tripadvisor rating 1 of 5
    juuli 16, 2024 Autor: Gerhard S

    We are a group of 5 adults and could not have Dinner in the Garden because one of the two waitresses says they are understaffed. Funny since it seems to bei no problem at all for all the couples and... Vaata veel

  • Great location and food

    tripadvisor rating 5 of 5
    juuli 11, 2024 Autor: Travel62160895840

    Great Estonian food, very nice backyard, perfect to sit in the sun. Super friendly staff too, just outside the old town. I recommend!

  • Great lunch stop

    tripadvisor rating 5 of 5
    märts 15, 2024 Autor: Oxfarcats

    Great stop for lunch on the edge of the old town. Had the Estonian open sandwiches and chicken wings which were both very good. Freindly service, nice atmosphere, very cosy. Just arrived, will come... Vaata veel