BabyBack Ribs & BBQ on esimene Ameerika kogupererestoran Eestis!
Pakume ehtsaid ameerikapäraseid barbeque-toite, puuküttega ahjus valmivat mahlast liha, burgereid, salateid, laias valikus erinevaid pitsasid ning hõrgutavaid magustoite.
Lapsed saavad meelepärased road valida eraldi lastemenüüst, mängida ja vaadata lastenurgas multikaid seni, kuni kuumad road on lauale jõudnud!
Restorani interjöör on kujundatud põnevate ameerikapäraste detailidega nagu neoonreklaamid, postrid ja fotod Ameerika kuulsaimatest poliitikutest, filmistaaridest ja spordilegendidest.
Ootame Teid külla!
põhineb 5 hinnangul
This is ridiculous how the owners reduce the portions and increase prices. Ordered a 10.90 salad which barely filled half a small plate. Put a childrens plate next to it for size comparison - really... Vaata veel
Really nice service, excellent food! The place has a nice vibe and great milkshakes and burgers. The mixed meat platter was also quite nice, although most of the flavours came from the added sauce... Vaata veel
If you need big portions, this is the place for you. Food is tasty and there is lot's of different foods to choose from.