Kõik söögikohad

    Kius Restoran

    Kiusatus otse Nõmme südames!

    KIUS Resto Nõmmel on loodud nii kiireks einestamiseks kui ka rahulikumas atmosfääris maitseelamuste pakkumiseks. Olgu tegemist mõnusa hommikueine, lõunapausi või õhtusöögiga, - pakume alati vaid kvaliteetsest toorainest valmistatud maitsvat ja nauditavat toitu. KIUS Restos oled alati oodatud külaline - seda saad tunda, kogedes sõbralikku, pühendunud ja asjatundlikku teenindust oma ala proffidelt.



    TripAdvisori® hinnangud ja arvustused

    TripAdvisor logo tripadvisor rating 4.5 of 5

    põhineb 23 hinnangul

    • Nice business lunch

      tripadvisor rating 3 of 5
      mai 4, 2024 Autor: Aethelred

      The place is nice, the staff cool, the location next to the market excellent. The only thing that was not great was the food quality, slightly bitter tastes where there shouldn't have been any, a... Vaata veel

    • Nice lunch - worth for re-visit

      tripadvisor rating 4 of 5
      november 29, 2023 Autor: Ramperiina

      Nice, simple and tasty food. Random stop for a local lunch. Reasonable priced, simple but authentic local, delicious food next to Nōmme market place.

    • Always tasty

      tripadvisor rating 5 of 5
      oktoober 11, 2023 Autor: 545annelin

      Visited Kius restaurant already the second time and was happy as usual - all dishes/drinks tasted great! I can especially recommend the tataki and beef and all their house cocktails! Service was... Vaata veel