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Foto: Restoran 100

Restoran "100"

Restoran "100" on reis läbi Eesti ajaloo viimase 100 aasta! Restorani peakoka Oleg Alasi jaoks on oluline suhe kohaliku tooraine, Eesti looduse ja ajaloo vahel. A la carte menüü ühendab tänapäevaseid maitseid ja stiili sellega, mida on Eestis köögis pakutud viimase 100 aasta jooksul. Mõnede roogade retseptid pärinevad riigi esimesest iseseisvusperioodist, mõned nõukogude ajast. Restoran „100“ pakub einestamise võimalust kuni 100 inimesele. Restorani julge minimalistlik disain ühendab kaasaegse stiili tööstuslikke elemente ja loob samaaegselt hubase atmosfääri.

TripAdvisori® hinnangud ja arvustused

TripAdvisor logo tripadvisor rating 4.5 of 5

põhineb 15 hinnangul

  • incredible food and excellent service

    tripadvisor rating 5 of 5
    detsember 15, 2019 Autor: htmo2017

    I cannot fault this restaurant in anyway. The service was excellent and the decor was lovely. The food itself was sublime. Very high class restaurant and would highly recommend!

  • Worth it

    tripadvisor rating 5 of 5
    september 12, 2019 Autor: PandC_11

    Restaurants at hotels do not typically offer gourmet food at decent prices but this one does. They are fortunate to have a creative Chef in the kitchen. Food presentation was excellent using a wide... Vaata veel

  • Good food!

    tripadvisor rating 4 of 5
    juuli 23, 2019 Autor: TRVLBug58

    We had a late night dinner here when we stayed recently at the Centennial Hotel. The weather was very rainy so it was nice to be able to get a good meal without leaving the hotel.