Tere tulemast Mamma Mia restorani - kohta, kus suurepärane toit kohtub elava muusika ja mõnusa atmosfääriga!
Meie restorani menüüst leiad Itaalia maitseid- pastasid, pitsasid ja värskeid salateid, mis rõõmustavad igat maitsemeelt.
Õdus interjöör ja sõbralik teenindus loovad ideaalse kohtumispaiga Tallinna Vanalinnas.
Oled meie juurde oodatud!
põhineb 301 hinnangul
We went into this restaurant because it was one of the very few places that served dinner after 10:30. The stuff were quite friendly and we thought of trying Italian Pizza for a change. Pizzas... Vaata veel
We got a ‘Siljanka’ soup which was extremely small (compared to its high level price - 13 euro), and absolutely tasteless. Furthermore, we got a cola with almost no gas. Try to avoid this restaurant... Vaata veel
The food looked terrible and didn`t taste good. In the old town you should make more effort to get clients. I don`t reccomend this place.