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Foto: Guru
Foto: Guru

    Restoran Guru

    Guru on autentne India restoran, mis pakub vürtside rohket India kööki ja rikkalikku maitseelamust. Nende menüü on mitmekesine, pakkudes traditsioonilisi roogasid erinevatest India piirkondadest. Restorani atmosfäär on hubane ja külalislahke, luues ideaalse keskkonna maitseelamuste nautimiseks. Lisaks suurepärastele roogadele on Guru tuntud ka oma sooja teeninduse ja külalislahkuse poolest, pakkudes külastajatele meeldejäävat söögielamust.


    TripAdvisori® hinnangud ja arvustused

    TripAdvisor logo tripadvisor rating 4.5 of 5

    põhineb 55 hinnangul

    • Great food

      tripadvisor rating 5 of 5
      juuli 12, 2024 Autor: Harjit S

      Great indian food we tasted, food taste like home. We enjoyed the best service and great food. There were no artificial colour and value of money. We recommend everyone to try out and enjoy the food.

    • Sorry but…

      tripadvisor rating 2 of 5
      jaanuar 5, 2024 Autor: isaguelfe

      We’ve been to Guru just before new year’s eve, on our first night at the city. The restaurant is very pretty and cosy. However, and I’m sorry to write this, but we had a very bad food poisoning which... Vaata veel

    • Excellent indian food in Tallin

      tripadvisor rating 5 of 5
      detsember 31, 2023 Autor: RomkeW69

      Absolutely brilliant food..suitable for indian and european palette equally…nice service as well Had saag paneer and chana masala along with a starter plate