Pomo on ehedate Itaalia maitsetega kohtumispaik!
Napoli pitsa on üks neist roogadest, mis näib nii lihtne, kuid tegelikult on raske täiuslikult valmistada. Meie juures saad kogeda Napoli pitsa maitseid, kust ei puudu ükski komponent ja pitsa tuuakse lauda tema täies hiilguses. Lisaks pitsadele leiab meie menüüst ka teisi Itaalia roogasid.
Meie restoranis on kaasaaegne atmosfäär, mis loob mõnusa õhkkonna toidu nautimiseks.
põhineb 6 hinnangul
Went there for a business lunch with 9 people. Sat down and was totally ignored by the waitress. After waiting 30min without any service, we asked the waitress to take our order only to be rudely... Vaata veel
My friends and I had a nice evening at Pomo. I made a mistake ordering the wrong pizza from the menu and the waitress was kind enough to ask the kitchen to cook me another one free of charge, even... Vaata veel
Guaranteed good pizzas. Have eaten here many times and always left with a smile in mu tummy. Quite full during lunch peak but otherwise quite empty. Calzone was great and I can recommend.