Kringel on taimetoidukohvik, mis asub Tallinnas Uue Maailma asumis aadressil Koidu 101 / Planeedi 5.
Pakume kogu päeva hommikusööki, sealhulgas maitsvaid pirukaid ja saiakesi, smuutisid.
Lisaks pakume ka erinevaid kringleid, hooajalisi maiustusi ning palju muud maitsvat.
Võtame vastu ka tellimusi kringlitele ja küpsetistele!
Kohvikut saab välja rentida ka erinevateks sündmusteks.
Oled väga oodatud!
põhineb 3 hinnangul
It's a very nice vegan café and bakery. The food is really delicious and the atmosphere is cool too. Everything was really good and I had a really pleasant time. There is also a small space for kids... Vaata veel
Excellent neighborhood restaurant, very design, hearty breakfast, tasty at a reasonable price, to recommend in hesitate!
Kringel is located at the gstu intersection Koidu 101 - Planeedi 5 in the neighborhood Maailm - near the thoroughfare Pärnu street. There was not a free table when I arrived, which indicates that... Vaata veel