Tallinna vanalinna südames peidab end hoov, kus loovus elab ja hingab.
Meistrite Hoovis tegutsevad Eesti kunstnikud ja käsitöömeistrid kelle ateljeed, galeriid ja poed on avatud igale uudistajale. See vaikne sisehoov on killuke sajanditetagusest Hansalinnast, pakkudes ajatut atmosfääri ja elamust. Meistrite Hoov on ideaalne paik, kust leida erilisi kingitusi – ehteid, keraamikat, rõivaid ja palju muud.
Hoovi hubases kohvikus saab nautida tassikest kohvi või teed ning võtta hetkeks aeg maha!
põhineb 87 hinnangul
Beautiful small and quiet courtyard in the Old City of Tallinn. Very well preserved, it takes you back through the centuries. Colorful and cosy, worth a stop by and enjoying some tranquil moments... Vaata veel
This is a small courtyard in the old town. The houses have been restored and look very good. We spotted a cafe here with outdoor seating. Very pretty.
Most of the shops were closed (despite having signs at the door saying "open"). The ones that were open sold yet again tacky touristy souvenirs, as seems to be the case all over the old town.