Muuseumid ja vaatamisväärsused
Foto: Paul Kuimet
Foto: Paul Kuimet

    Muuseum Eppingi torn

    Selles 14. sajandist pärit tornis tutvustatakse Tallinna kindlustuste arengut. Huvilistel on võimalik selga proovida keskaegseid soomusrüüsid ning käsitseda relvamakette. Interaktiivsed väljapanekud Eppingi tornis pakuvad huvi nii suurtele kui ka väikestele külastajatele.

    TripAdvisori® hinnangud ja arvustused

    TripAdvisor logo tripadvisor rating 4.0 of 5

    põhineb 87 hinnangul

    • Tower at a Gate

      tripadvisor rating 3 of 5
      juuni 30, 2024 Autor: Thomas V

      One of the many stone towers built in the city walls. Definitely picturesque and goes with the mood of the old city. I guess one can climb up? At one of the gates.

    • A wonderful tower.

      tripadvisor rating 4 of 5
      oktoober 28, 2023 Autor: TheShis

      This is a fantastic looking tower, which is part of the ancient wall surrounding the old town of Tallinn. The tower, along its nearby towers provide some wonderful photo-ops.

    • Cool old towers.

      tripadvisor rating 5 of 5
      oktoober 12, 2023 Autor: Flyingboy58

      The old towers in the town are awesome. A bunch of them exist and they give a lot of access. It’s totally worth seeing if you like history at all.