Kirikule annavad ajaloolist väärtust sissekäikude kohal olevad mosaiikpannood. Kiriku tornides asub 11 kellast koosnev kirikukellade ansambel, mille seas on ka Tallinna suurim, 15 tonni kaaluv kell.
põhineb 3607 hinnangul
Definitely worth a visit, very impressive church and it’s free to go inside although you have to be respectful and can’t take any photos or videos inside. Head there earlier in the morning around... Vaata veel
A small orthodox Russian church mainly for locals but free to visit. Inside,and there are pictures of icon and saints. Please be respectful. For example , remove hats if you wear a cap like me. Check... Vaata veel
Walked from old town. Interior very interesting- pleasant enough way to spend half an hour - decent views from outside over the city.