Reisisadama ja vanalinna vahel asuv Nautica keskus on justkui linna merevärav. D-terminalist ja linnasüdamest jalutuskäigu kaugusel asuvas keskuses ootavad külastajaid ligi 60 poodi, kus eriti hästi on esindatud rahvusvahelised kaubamärgid ning noortemood. Nauticas on end sisse seadnud ka Eesti suurim professionaalne ilukaubamaja Tradehouse, riidepoed, kasiino ja mitmed erinevas stiilis ja laadis söögikohti.
põhineb 54 hinnangul
This was a short and sweet trip we spent just a couple of hours in this beautiful town, people are so friendly and nice .... food was amazing there is so many choices for food that is kind of hard to... Vaata veel
The mall itself gets 5 stars, it is a nice modern mall, this star rating I gave is directed to the New York Pizza Restaurant soley.
Great options from expensive to very cheap! Many stores and parking spaces. Even a mini golf and several food places. They have a really big supermarket with options to eat too, and much more than... Vaata veel