Sport ja seiklus
Foto: Kadi-Liis Koppel
Foto: Rasmus Jurkatam

    City Bike rattarent

    City Bike rattarent valikus on üle 250 ratta: linna-, maastiku-, matka-, maantee- ja e-rattad. Lisaks tandemid, lasterattad ja -toolid ning jalgrattatreilerid. Lisavarustuse hulgas on pudelihoidja, pakiraamid, porilauad ja rattakell. Rendi hinna sees kiiver ja rattalukk. Rendime ka lisavarustust: veekindlad Ortlieb rattakotid, kotid koos kaarditaskuga juhtrauale, käsi GPS-d, esimesed ja tagumised pakiraamid. Organiseerime nii ühe- kui mitmepäevaseid jalgrattamatku. Hea teada: alates 5 rendipäevast on päevahind soodsam.

    TripAdvisori® hinnangud ja arvustused

    TripAdvisor logo tripadvisor rating 4.5 of 5

    põhineb 448 hinnangul

    • Excellent tour

      tripadvisor rating 5 of 5
      juuni 20, 2024 Autor: Charles B

      We booked a three-hour e-bike tour of Tallinn and City Bike was a great choice. As well as the old town, Toomas took us around the outside to see the wall and towers from a different perspective then... Vaata veel

    • Great combo, biking, history, culture, and a national meal.

      tripadvisor rating 5 of 5
      juuni 14, 2024 Autor: Charles R

      Excellent. When traveling we typically opt for the bike tour to help orient ourselves. The touring bikes provided were ideal- three speed and in excellent mechanical shape. The route was mostly... Vaata veel

    • Helpful, responsive, flexible shop with a great selection of bikes.

      tripadvisor rating 5 of 5
      juuni 10, 2024 Autor: AttilaSzabadkai

      I am sure I wasn't their dream customer, rather problematic, I needed a lot of assistance, but they gracefully helped me in every aspect. They were very helpful, responsive and provided a very... Vaata veel