Foto: Koht
Foto: Koht

    Õllebaar Koht

    Tallinna vanalinnas ootab sind õdus õlledele keskendunud baar, mille tagasihoidlikust kaminaga baariletist leiab laia valiku erinevaid õllesid taskukohase hinnaga. Õllede valik on nii suur, et see on lausa hirmutav. Lisaks on otsatoas õllepood, kust saab kellaaegadel 10:00-22:00 head ja paremat ka kaasa osta. Kellele õlu millegipärast ei meki, see leiab ka hüva kohvi ning natukene maitsvat hamba alla.

    TripAdvisori® hinnangud ja arvustused

    TripAdvisor logo tripadvisor rating 4.5 of 5

    põhineb 140 hinnangul

    • Koht on suht normaalne

      tripadvisor rating 3 of 5
      aprill 15, 2024 Autor: MikkoHaaa

      Great place to sit with friends in a "terrace" with or without the heater. Mind your head, many risky places here! Friendly stuff, large selection of beers, small selcetion of booze.

    • Excellent bar, worth a visit

      tripadvisor rating 5 of 5
      märts 5, 2024 Autor: Lindsay M

      We came across this bar on trip advisor and decided to give it a go. It’s not easy to find from the street, but is well worth trying to find your way in (if the gate if open they are open; as it says... Vaata veel

    • Cosy bar and bottle shop for a late night beer in Tallinn

      tripadvisor rating 5 of 5
      jaanuar 13, 2024 Autor: Tonyhrx

      The street front of this place is a bottle bar, sporting a range of over 740 beers from around the world. But the real gem is round the back, where there's a small bar that sells the same bottles and... Vaata veel