Foto: Venus Club
Foto: Venus Club

    Venus Club

    Venus Clubi Viru väljakul asuv tänane klubihoone ehitati Tallinna linna ja Tuletõrje Seltsi eestvedamisel aastatel 1872-1873. - üle linna kuulsad show-baarmanid, kelle superkokteilid on kui unistus,  - uksed avanevad neljapäeval, reedel ja laupäeval juba kell 23:00 ja kestavad niikaua kui pidutsejaid jagub… - palavalt armastatud rütme mängivad klubi tuntuimad DJ-d. Klubis on eriüritusi on rohkem kui teistel Tallinna klubidel kokku, baaripoisid on nagu Su vallatud sõbrad ning privaatne lõdvakslaskmine on garanteeritud - see on Venus Club!

    TripAdvisori® hinnangud ja arvustused

    TripAdvisor logo tripadvisor rating 3.0 of 5

    põhineb 39 hinnangul

    • Horrible music and service

      tripadvisor rating 1 of 5
      mai 24, 2024 Autor: Rasmus L

      Horrible sevice from the bar, music was really subpar, the girls dancing was a nice touch, otherwise subpar club service

    • Watch after your drink!

      tripadvisor rating 1 of 5
      detsember 31, 2023 Autor: siskosmos

      Be really careful, I was drugged. Fortunately I was with my husband, who took care of me. The place was average, but I cannot recommend it, even though it was recommended to us.

    • Good for a night out with friends!

      tripadvisor rating 4 of 5
      juuni 21, 2022 Autor: sannisofiia

      I’ve been here a couple of times with friends and these experiences have been a bit different. The first time happened two years ago and we had some troubles with our table reservation+the staff... Vaata veel