Restoran Peppersack asub huvitava ajalooga majas, Tallinna vanalinna südames, Raekoja platsi vahetus läheduses.
Peppersack'is on läbi kolme korruse keskaegse interjööriga saalid väiksemate seltskondade ja suuremate gruppide toitlustamiseks. Meile mahub samaaegselt kuni 350 külalist. Peppersack'i menüüs leidub rikkalik valik nii suurepäraseid grillroogi kui parimaid palasid Eesti rahvusköögist. Pakume oma toite ja jooke ajastutruu disainiga nõudest ning külaliste eest hoolitsevad keskaegses riietuses teenindajad.
Kohtumiseni Peppersack'is!
põhineb 2408 hinnangul
Attracted to this restaurant on first afternoon by doorman who showed us around. Decided to book for that night and were given a table in one of the side rooms. Very comfortable and beautiful... Vaata veel
We were a group of eight people and visited this place, after hearing positive comments, which we can wel verify. Even though we had no reservation, we were given a table. The delicious meals were... Vaata veel
They benefit from their location and proximity to Old Hansa. This has several rooms and we got into a small, quiet one. The servers wear medieval costumes. The food was OK but nothing special. I had... Vaata veel