Tere tulemast Frenchy restorani, kus Prantsusmaa võlu ja maitsed kohtuvad!
Meie menüü on loodud armastusega, tuues teieni autentseid maitseid. Meie menüüst leiad laia valiku kvaliteetseid veine. Veinid on pärit väikestelt tootjatelt, keda me isiklikult teame ja kellega koos oleme aastaid koostööd teinud. Meie jaoks on kvaliteet oluline ja pakume oma külastajatele vaid primaid elamusi.
põhineb 223 hinnangul
I visited this place few years ago. Now visiting again, nothing has changed: friendly service, seemingly simple bistro food done just right. Not an easy thing to do. I will definetly return.
Beautiful restaurant with great, fresh food. Good wine and fine people. Would recommend this to everyone. Lovely place in Tallinn
We got restaurant-price FineDine spinach-tofu raviolis that you can buy from the supermarket (I've bought them from stores before and the taste and look was identical) and two dry sandwiches with gas... Vaata veel