perustuu 5 arvioon
We were a group of 25 persons, but everything went perfectly and everyone got a personized treatment. The staff was super nice and very professional and knew about chinese wellness. i want to give a... Lue lisää kommentteja
I had terrible neck and shoulder pain (I work as a secretary) and I had hard time trying to turn my head. After half an hour massage (25 euros) I was in heaven. The staff was really friendly and the... Lue lisää kommentteja
Aluksi odottelin ja lienee ollut epäselvää kuka hoidon tekee. Kasvohoidon teki mies! Varaudu siihen, itse en ollut varautunut ja se tuli yllätyksenä. Mies sanoi lopuksi "kaikki", mitään muuta ei... Lue lisää kommentteja