Ilmaiseksi Tallinn Cardilla!
Kirkon torniin pääsee lasihissillä, ja skydeck-näköalatasanteelta avautuu 360 asteen näkymä vanhallekaupungille.
Ilmaiseksi Tallinn Cardilla!
perustuu 456 arvioon
There is a 4pm organ recital in Niguliste Church every Saturday and Sunday. We visited on a Saturday. There is also a museum and viewing platform here. We took in some of the recital, had a quick... Lue lisää kommentteja
This church is beautiful on the inside as it is on the outside. The breathtaking views you get from the viewing platform are totally amazing. One very good thing is this church is disabled friendly... Lue lisää kommentteja
Since I a Tallinn card, I stopped by the church museum, I was more interested in the observation deck in the bell tower with an elevator. The deck provided nice views of old town and was worth the... Lue lisää kommentteja