Ilmaiseksi Tallinn Cardilla!
Tallinnan kansojen museo tutkii ja esittelee Tallinnan ja Viron eri kansojen kulttuureja sekä luo edellytykset kulttuuriesineiden entisöimiselle, ylläpidolle, keräämiselle ja esillepanolle.
Ilmaiseksi Tallinn Cardilla!
perustuu 19 arvioon
... and double that despite being in a central location of Tallinn old town. First I thought it was a temporary exhibition, then I realized it was already occupying all the spaces available (no you... Lue lisää kommentteja
A small and fairly random museum. The ground floor starts with Russian education and the top floor is rather disjointed and jumps between different subject matters. The museum closes at six, we... Lue lisää kommentteja
Interesting journey which takes you through the history of Russian education in Tallinn in the years 1715-1944