Find out more about Tallinn’s conference grant.
Applications for the Tallinn Conference Support can be submitted continuously throughout the year until the support budget is filled. The final dates for accepting applications will be announced by the Tallinn Strategic Management Office in a national newspaper and on the Tallinn website.
In 2025 the final dates for accepting applications are March 31st, September 8th and November 10th.
The application must be submitted by the announced date, but at least 60 calendar days before the start of the conference. Applications submitted later will be rejected.
Please note that foreign organisers who wish to apply must have a local representative or partner who is able to log into the system with Estonian ID. The event organiser’s representative must fill and submit the formal application in Estonian.
Before filling out your application, we advise you consider the following aspects:
• A brief summary of the project
• Justification for the project’s necessity
• The objective of the project (reflecting the desired, measurable outcome of the project)
• Activities carried out to run the project
• Cooperation partners
• Risk analysis (descriptions of the possible risks and methods of mitigation)
• The budget of the project (type and description of expenses, amounts for every expense line and a clarification of whether and to what extent the grant would be used to cover the expenses)
• Allocation of expenses and sources for covering them (subsidies, own contribution, other means of financing)
The application for the conference grant can be submitted using the online self-service platform. It is also the main tool used for informing applicants about the decision of their application, signing contracts, sending notifications about changes in or cancellation of events and submitting interim reports, final reports as well as cost statements of the used grant.
After logging into the website, choose “International conferences” from the list of project and activity grants.